Honestly we are and we promise to be better about visiting our friends and posting. Nothing and lots has been happening around here. If that makes sense to you. We've laid around most of the summer but school is now back in session. Our girl went to high school yesterday. We can't believe she is so old. When did she get so old? That must make mom about 586769575668757 years old. Our boy is still being home schooled so at least we get to keep him around all day still.
It has been super hot here and our A/C wasn't working properly so it was getting to be 90 in our house even with it running. Needless to say I did nothing but lay around as I don't handle the heat well. Either does Mom and it made her super grumpy and makes her look like this.

but they came and fixed it two days ago and she now looks like this because the house is cool once again

and yes she is that funny looking.
We ran out of dog cookies about a week ago and mom is so super lazy that she didn't even go buy anymore. She was giving us graham crackers instead. While I like graham crackers what kind of mother won't go out to buy dog cookies when her precious babies are out of them? Sometimes I think I need a different mother.
Here is a lovely picture of me with my bully stick. I was trying to figure out if I could keep mine and get the one Flash had also.

Here is a stupid picture of Shelby. Mom is making me put it up because she thinks he is funny looking sitting like that.

And here is a picture of Flash the demon dog and Dad. Dad is getting ready to leave again in a few months. So just know that I expect my friends to help distract me while he is gone for the year.

Later taters