but it's me Flash. I'm here to fill you all in on what's been going on here since we never get to blog anymore. It is just downright sad I tell you.
Okay well it's to hot to do anything here. I want to go outside and mom won't let me. She is always saying "Flash come in here before you die of heatstroke." Big party pooper that she is.
Go visit our cousin
Diamond. She is back to blogging after FOREVER (Auntie Shalon was even lazier then our mom) and you all have to see the gigantico waterbowl she has in her backyard. I couldn't use it if I had one but Diamond and her little brother Pulver can.
Our kids have been out of school for a month now. They only have a month and a half left before they go back. Our boy spends time playing video games and hanging out with his friends who live on the next street over. Our girl spends most of her time in her room texting on her phone. Mom says it is what teenagers do nowadays. They do play with us and our girl feeds us every night so we can't complain to much.
Dad got a new job. He's still in the Army they just gave him something else to do. He doesn't like it much but what can he do? Nothing
Mom is a lazy bones. She got done with school for the year. Her last term she got a 3.8 gpa so she had a pretty swelled head for a few weeks. Now she sits around doing nothing. She keeps talking about cleaning the house because Pappy is coming to visit next week but doesn't get off her bum to do it. She will probably start 2 days before and clean like a maniac like she usually does.
Oh and here is a picture of the fat man because well I like that he terrorizes Peanut.

That's the haps from here.
Later gators