Friday, February 09, 2007

I'm back and better then ever

Oh I know I haven't been on here but mom says I've been being bad (I like to bark at shelby a lot lately among other things) so no computer for me. It's been cold cold cold here so I haven't been spending much time outside. I go out and potty run around the yard a couple times with Flash and come inside for the most part. Sometimes my gimpy dad comes outside and throws my jolly ball for me.
Speaking of Jolly Balls I need a new one. I hope mom gets on that soon. The handle is broken on mine.
Hmm what's going on here. We are waiting to see if we are really moving to Kansas. Hopefully we should know soon. Mom needs to know. This maybe we will and maybe we won't (because of dad's knee) stuff drives her crazy. She was already a little crazy but don't tell her I said that.
Dad gets his knee surgery in about 3 more weeks. They took him off his painkillers and he is a little more crabby then normal.
My kids are doing good. My girl is going to be in some sort of show at school. She is doing a dance. She shows me what she learned when she comes home from practice but since I'm a dog I don't get to go watch. My boy is home sick today. His nose is all snotty and he's coughing.
My mom joined weight watchers and has lost 11 lbs in 4 weeks. She's pretty happy and you know what they when mom is happy everyone is happy.
Flash is still with us. I of course am glad (even if he does annoy me). He is doing good.
Mom said something about getting a tax return, which I understand is money, and how she might buy us a whole box of bully sticks. I sure hope so. They are my favorite chewy.
Hmm well that is it from here. I am off to read the blogs of my buddies and catch up on what is going on in your lives. Hopefully mom won't kick me off the computer anymore.


  1. I'm so glad Flash is doing well and doesn't seem any worse for his little adventure. I hope you get a Jolly Ball quickly.

    Congratulations to your mom for her success! Losing weight is hard (or so Dakota tells me).

    Thank you so much for making a donation to the boxer puppies! We really appreciate it.

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Thank you very much for your donation to Gidget and her puppies...they reall appeciate it!

    Abby, Fletch, Alexandra and Tonka

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Hi Peanut, please tell your mommy thanks for the donation to Legacy Boxer Rescue for Gidget and the puppies. They really do appreciate it. :-)

    Legacy Boxer Rescue Volunteer

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Hi Peanut! It's me, Gidget (and the Poopies). Mom let me use her computer so that I could tell you THANK YOU for your donation to help me and my recently expanded family. The poopies are doing well and are already twice the size they were a week ago. All that good food that Mom feeds me is sure helping:) Tell Flash that I said "Howdy" from Texas.
