Okay our good friend
Miss Reina tagged me to let you all know about my mom so in the ways of the great interviews that have gone before me I am going to interview my mom (it probably won't be as good as everyone else's though so just bear with me.) Here is the transcript.
Peanut(P): Hey mom How are you this morning?
Mom(M): Hi Peanut I'm good
P: That's good. Okay we will start at the beginning. When did you meet Dad?
M: I met your dad in the 7th grade
P: 7th grade? Holy moly wasn't that like 100 years ago?
M: No it was appx 19 years ago
P: Hmm, that is still a long time ago. How long did you and dad date? That is what you humans do right date?
M: Yeah humans date but your dad and I never did
P: Wait a minute how did you get together if you never dated?
M: Your dad was one of my best friends through school and in fact we got engaged when he came home from boot camp at 18 but broke up and stayed in touch while your dad was off to germany among other places then got back together 4 years later and got married.
P: That is all to confusing for me. Wait a minute Dad was in Germany without you?
M: Yes your dad has been stationed in Germany twice. Once before we were married and once when we were married which is when we got you.
P: Neat, so on to the next question. Lots of other dogs are asking their moms when they are going to have kids. Now you have given me two fine kids of my own but really I would like more to play with so when are you going to give them to me?
M: I'm not there won't be any more kids
P: Come on mom, kids are fun we need more.
M: Nope no more kids and anyway your dad is neutered.
P: WHAT? Poor dad How could you do that to him?
M: I didn't do it to him the doctor did it to him because your dad said it was okay.
P:Mumbling to himself-geez poor dad, mom got him neutered too. What kind of woman is she?
M: What was that Peanut?
P: Nothing Mom Next question What do you do?
M: Well I take care of you and Flash and Raven and Shelby and the turtles and as you put your kids.
P: No I mean what's your job
M: That is my job.
P: Okay did you ever do anything else?
M: Well I was a dental assistant before your dad and I got married is that what you mean?
P: Yep thanks. Why do we have so many other animals in the house I think just me would be plenty?
M: You would miss all of them except Shelby if I got rid of them Peanut so stop
P: Okay but you love me best right? I mean I know you spent a ton of money to fly me over here from Germany with you so you must love me the most.
M: I love all of you but yes you are right we spent a ton of money to fly your big butt over here from Germany but we flew Raven over also.
P: My big butt? How insulting Did I say anything about your Big butt? It's about 5 times the size of mine.
M: Okay Okay sorry let's not mention my butt
P:So what kind of hobbies do you have?
M: Not many I like to help you with your blog and I love to read.
P: Yeah I think the reading should stop some and you should play with me more. How many books do you read a month anyway?
M: Usually anywhere from 15 to 20
P: Well if you spent less time reading you could spend more time playing with me.
M: I play with you quite enough I think
P: Well I don't but anyhoo do you think I will like it in Louisiana?
M: I think you will like it anywhere your kids are.
P: Yes, that may be true. I do love my kids
M:Yes I know you do. I love your kids too.
P: How much longer until I get to go see Grammie?
M: About 2 months
P: 2 months? That is forever how will I wait?
M: You will just have to you are as bad as your kids. We all want to go home to visit
P: Yeah but I've never been there I think I want to go more then everyone else.
M: I doubt that but who knows
P: Okay so I think I need to interview Grammie she could tell us all sorts of stories about you I bet
M: Yes she could but you won't interview her if you ever want anymore doggy crack
P: Speaking of Doggy crack can I have some?
M: Are we done here?
P: if you will give me some crack we are
M: Okay let's go then
Like I said not to exciting but tomorrow Flash is going to interview dad and since he's the army guy we think he's more exciting then mom. Oh and I did get some doggy crack.